Until Indians were introduced to wine, a typical retail outlet for alcohol was a heavily guarded, steel-caged, grubby shop selling dubious spirits to even more dubious men. 在葡萄酒进入之前,印度的酒精类饮料售卖店的典型形象是戒备森严、钢窗铁门且昏暗肮脏,售卖的酒类来路不明,而购买者更是神秘兮兮。
For example, this capability can help you answer questions like," What is the closest retail outlet for each customer who lives in Toronto and spent more than$ 3000 last year with us?" 例如,该功能可以帮助回答这类问题:“对于住在多伦多而且去年消费额超过$3000的用户来说,最近的零售商店是哪一家?”
Another shot taken at Mr Yau's wholesale cum retail outlet. 邱龙先生的批发及零售中心。
Microsoft has been in the retail business before, by the way: The company opened an outlet in San Francisco in1999, selling Microsoft souvenirs and software. 另外值得一提的是,微软在此前便已从事过零售业务:早在1999年,他们便在美国旧金山建立了一家商店,出售各种微软纪念品和软件。
In a virtual environment the investment necessary to set up a retail outlet on the Internet is much smaller than the investment for paper catalogues. 在一个虚拟的环境,互联网上一个零售店的投资远小于纸质目录的投资。
Connecting a home computer and television set into a retail outlet can make it possible for people to do shopping at home. 把家用电脑和电视与零售店的电脑连起来就有可能让人们在家里购物。
I met countless game developers, buyers for every major retail outlet, press and lots of gaming enthusiasts. 我遇到了无数游戏开发商、各大型零售店的买家、媒体、还有许许多多游戏爱好者。
But pubs are one of the oldest forms of retail outlet known to man. 但酒吧是人类所知最古老的零售店形式之一。
Typically, read-only product pricing and warehouse inventory data is sent to the retail outlet whenever updates to this data occur. 通常,只要更新只读产品定价和仓库库存数据,此数据就会发送到零售店。